Capstone Updates - May 2019

This past month has been particularly productive on my part in terms of working towards my Global Scholars capstone project, which, if all goes according to plan, will relate to aiding independent olive farmers in the region of Catalonia, Spain. Focusing my efforts on the small village of Isona, I plan to support these individuals by spending time both helping out with the manual aspects of their work as well as generally promoting their businesses (hopefully internationally, as I am aiming to import their olive oil into the U.S.). Last summer marked a significant step towards this goal, with me fulfilling my service hour requirement helping out on the farms of these struggling farmers.
In terms of plans for future progress, I have been looking to create a website in which I detail my future goals for this project, as well as report my past endeavors in the area. A preliminary draft of the finalized website can be found at In mid-June, I will be attending a course at UC Davis to learn how to analyze and label olive oil, which should prepare me for the promotion aspect of the project. I will also be returning to the region in July to continue this work.
The website and this project as a whole should fit in well thematically with the goals of the Global Scholars program, and I look forward to a great year of developing this idea.
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